My Dad was in the Sig Epps fraternity during his time at Central Michigan University. Every year, they have a golf outing, where all of the brothers get together to play golf and raise money for Arthritis. Many of the attendees knew my father personally, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to raise money for our team. I played last year for the first time, and enjoyed it and decided to play again this year.
My Uncles sponsor a longest drive hole (#17), and the "Terry Moore Cup" is presented to the longest drive. After talking with my sister, we decided this would be a good place to raise funds. To accomplish this, I put up together a letter with an envelop on a wooden stake so people could donate to Team TPM. My Uncle Denny helped coordinate with the course, and I found the following site when I arrived at the 17th tee.

At the end of the day, we raised $39!! Coupled with all of our donations from the past week, our total is now over $300! Fundraising is going well.
As for the longest drive, I put my ball in the tall grass, so I guess I'll have to go back and chase that trophy next year!