Welcome to by Blog! I've created this to track my training for the 2009 Chicago Marathon.
First, for a little history about me. I played hockey throughout High School, and worked hard to make the Varsity team my Junior year. I ran cross country to help get in better shape for hockey, and it was mission accomplished! I ran track my Junior year, competing in the mile, again to stay in shape for hockey. My Senior year, I ran cross country again, running faster times (not Varsity though), and was a starter for the hockey team.
When I arrived at college, I had quit running, and played hockey sparingly. My Junior year of College, I decided to train and run a half marathon here in Kalamazoo (I went to college at Western Michigan University). I struggled through the race and finished, however fell out of favor with running shortly thereafter. I never found the desire to run after that. I ran a little throughout my Senior year of college.
After graduating in the beginning of July, I moved to Orlando, Florida to start my career. I actually ran before my first day to calm the nerves! My journey back started with a commitment with my High School Buddy Justin to run a 5K on Thanksgiving, back in Lansing (which has since become a tradition). To accomplish this, I started running slowly- first around the block, then adding distance. By the time I left Orlando in April to return to Kalamazoo, I was running 3 or 4 days a week 4 miles.
The next year (last year), I decided to run the Kalamazoo half marathon again, and bested by previous time by 13 minutes! After a vacation to China, I decided to train for a marathon. At that point, I needed something to focus my running on. I had redeemed myself my running the half marathon, and needed a new running challenge. I spent the entire summer giving up my Friday nights to eat pasta and wake up at 6:00 Saturday morning to make my long runs with Kalamazoo's Marathon Training group. I even scheduled a trip to Chicago around my training. I ran the Detroit Marathon in 4:55, which was the most tiring, yet one of the most rewarding experiences.
After Detroit, I had the running bug. I ran a Half Marathon in Miami in January of this year, and then 2 more Halfs- one during a "Solo Marathon" and the Kalamazoo race for my third time.
My sister Erin (based in Chicago) and I decided to both run the Chicago Marathon in October to raise money for the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) to help those suffering with Brain Tumors. I am looking forward to sharing the training experience with her, as well as the joy of completing a marathon. For more about her, check out her blog at http://lifeontheruninchi.blogspot.com/.
Why ABTA? On my 8th Birthday, I was supposed to go to a Detroit Tigers game with my dad and one of my buddies. Unfortunately, he was admitted to the hospital, and diagnosed with a Brain Tumor, with surgery the next day. The next 2 years, my sisters Erin and Emily and I watched his battle, from treatments of radiation and chemotherapy to his returning to work, and ultimate passing at our house on May 14, 1994 (during one of my baseball games). Erin and I hope the money we raise will help those suffering with a Brain Tumor and their families.
We thank you for all of your support, and keep checking out both of our blogs to stay tuned for training updates!